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Ozone therapy is a contentious method of alternative medicine that employs ozone gas to combat illness. Ozone is an oxygen derivative. Ozone treatment practitioners in alternative medicine utilize gaseous or liquid ozone to treat medical ailments and as a local disinfectant.

Ozone therapy has been utilized in health settings for many years. Yet, its use is currently contested due to safety concerns. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning regarding ozone therapy in 2019. This is due to insufficient evidence to evaluate its medicinal efficacy or safety.

This article describes ozone therapy, along with its uses, proposed advantages, and potential risks and adverse effects.

Some health bodies, such as the FDA, have safety concerns regarding ozone therapy. Ozone treatment refers to the use of ozone gas in medicinal practices.

Ozone gas is an oxygen compound. This odorless gas is composed of three atoms of oxygen. A layer of ozone gas in the upper atmosphere shields the earth from the sun’s ultraviolet rays. However, ozone is a dangerous air contaminant at ground level.

Inhaling ozone gas causes inflammation of the lungs and throat, coughing, and a worsening of asthma symptoms. Lung damage caused by excessive exposure might be lethal.

Nonetheless, some studies feel that ozone can have medically beneficial consequences. For instance, a 2011 review identifies the following applications for ozone therapy:

  • Dealing with arthritis
  • Battling infectious diseases like SARS and HIV 
  • Decontaminating wounds
  • Stimulation of the immune system
  • Treating coronary artery disease
  • Treating age-related macular degeneration
  • Battling cancer

Currently, scientists are studying the impact of ozone therapy on the body to uncover any possible therapeutic benefits.

To date, though, there has been limited investigation into the genuine safety and effectiveness of ozone therapy. Authorized bodies do not yet endorse its use for this reason.

There are a variety of methods for ozone therapy administration. Your healthcare professional will review the best therapy options for you.

Ozone is administered in three primary modes of treatment:

Straight to the tissue. If you get ozone injections for a disorder of the extremities or a wound of the extremities, the ozone gas will probably be directly delivered to the tissues of the damaged body part. A protected covering is used to administer the gas.

Intravenously. To combat internal illnesses like HIV, ozone gas is typically dissolved in your blood. The blood containing the dissolved gas is then re-injected through an IV. The creation of air bubbles during intravenous administration can increase the risk of embolism.

Intramuscularly. Additionally accessible as an intramuscular shot is ozone therapy. Before administering this injection, ozone gas is frequently combined with oxygen.

Research studies indicate that once ozone has reached the body, it has the great promise to initiate multiple positive health effects. First, it functions as a cleanser and eliminates infections from the body. But precisely how does this occur?

Ozone carries an extra ion with a negative charge. According to studies, this could allow it to bond with and neutralize numerous sorts of poisons. Then it may be easier for your body to eliminate them through passive methods.

Once within your body, ozone can improve the health of your cells’ mitochondria. These cellular components are responsible for producing energy. Ozone may assist them in becoming more efficient and successful, which may lead to further advantages such as enhanced mental clarity and increased vitality.

Although some research studies,  the therapeutic effects of ozone treatment are reliable and safe, however other sources claim there is insufficient information to determine its genuine effectiveness or safety.

In 2019, the FDA issued a statement opposing the use of ozone as a medicinal treatment. According to them, ozone is a harmful gas with no proof of supporting or preventative medical applications.

Regarding its usage as a disinfectant, the FDA states that for ozone treatment to be beneficial as a germicide, it must be maintained in a concentration significantly larger than what is safe for humans and animals to withstand.

In the past, ozone therapy has caused adverse consequences, some of which were severe.

According to CAM Cancer, cases have been described in which direct intravenous infusion of ozone led to thromboembolism and death.

Based on a report from 2005, there are reported cases of ozone therapy causing bloodborne infections, air embolism, and bilateral visual field loss.

Ozone gas is hazardous to human health. Exposure to ozone is connected with a considerable increase in the likelihood of death from respiratory disorders, and it has well-established harmful effects on the lungs when combined with nitrogen dioxide in smog.

Even in minute quantities, ozone can irritate the throat and lungs, causing shortness of breath, coughing, and lung tissue damage.

By now, you must be wondering, “What is ozone therapy good for?” Ozone therapy may be utilized for numerous illnesses. Ongoing research is being conducted to determine its efficacy and safety.

Respiratory Disorders

Although additional research is required, ozone therapy may be an effective treatment for people with breathing issues.

By boosting the amount of oxygen in the blood, ozone treatment may alleviate the strain on the lungs. The lungs are important for delivering oxygen to the bloodstream.

A 2014 study examined intravenous ozone therapy, or the injection of ozone-blood mixture, for the treatment of COPD. It was discovered that the therapy boosted the quality of life and exercise capacity of ex-smokers with COPD.

Be warned that inhaling ozone may cause irritation or harm to the lungs, particularly in individuals with respiratory disorders.

Ozone may have certain beneficial applications, but it is also a contaminant and should not be ingested. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) therefore discourages the use of ozone air purifiers.

Immune Disorders

People with immunological problems may benefit from ozone therapy since it appears to activate the immune system.

A 2018 study indicated that ozone mingled with blood and administered to HIV patients drastically decreased their viral replication over two years.

Less virus is present when the viral load is reduced, which can benefit long-term health.

The study concluded that ozone injection therapy for the management of HIV warrants further investigation.


Additionally, ozone injection therapy shows the potential for lowering the risk of diabetes complications.

 Oxidative stress is a frequent source of complications in Diabetes. According to research in 2018, ozone may alleviate oxidative stress by stimulating the immune system and antioxidants and lowering inflammation.

Based on a study published in 2019, ozone therapy assisted in the healing of diabetic foot ulcers and decreased the risk of infection.

A 2015 study indicated that ozone therapy may be beneficial for the wound healing process, a frequent diabetic complication.

Despite the controversies and divided evidence from research studies, some of the common benefits of Ozone therapy most often reported in the literature are discussed below: 

Enhanced Immune System

Ozone therapy can enhance the immune system’s ability to fight infection. Ozone can strengthen the immune system and reduce inflammation. Numerous individuals are afflicted with illnesses that cause inflammation of the body regularly. Inflammatory indicators are frequently seen in the blood of asthma patients. Inflammation can result in an imbalance of antioxidants and free radicals in the body, which is referred to as oxidative stress by medical specialists. This form of stress is related to discomfort and agony.

Individuals who receive ozone therapy regularly often report reduced inflammation caused by oxidative stress. Ozone therapy controls inflammation, hence controlling inflammatory illnesses like Crohn’s disease and arthritis.

When discussing ozone, people typically consider the Earth. Surprisingly, it is also a potent antioxidant. Ozone’s anti-oxidative characteristics aid in repairing the harm caused by chronic inflammation. The mending of the human body and DNA minimizes the danger of disease or infection globally. Researchers found in 2014 that ozone-related treatment is a valid alternative for treating inflammation.

Ozone therapy can considerably alleviate a variety of chronic inflammatory conditions and immune-related ailments.

Antibacterial, Antiviral, And Antifungal Abilities

Bacteria have learned and developed to withstand antibiotics over time. Scientists are continually attempting to avoid viral, fungal, and bacterial infections and develop more effective treatments.

Researchers have discovered that ozone contains a layer of anti-infection capabilities. Most acute bacterial infections can be treated with ozone therapy alone. Within 48 hours after a tick bite, ozone heals the infection.

Viruses like the flu afflict individuals annually, particularly in December. The good news is that ozone therapy may also treat these illnesses.

Can reverse damage to brain tissue

After a person has experienced a stroke, which precludes the brain from oxygen, he or she will develop dementia. The injured region of the brain is referred to as the penumbra. The most effective way to mitigate the harm is to replenish oxygen as soon as feasible.

Interestingly, a 2012 study discovered that a combination of ozone and oxygen delivered to brain tissue not only prevented future damage but also restored the brain to its former state.

Decreased risk of future heart attacks

It is not rare for those who have previously experienced a cardiac event to experience a second or third one. Ozone therapy has been shown to dramatically lower the likelihood of a second heart attack, the growth of dead tissue due to a lack of oxygen, and irregular or abnormal heart rate, often referred to as arrhythmia, following a heart attack.

The sooner Ozone Therapy is administered, the better. The quicker and more frequently people receive care, the less likely they are to suffer a second heart attack.

Assists the Body to Detox

No matter how many measures we take, poisons are virtually impossible to avoid. Toxins can have detrimental effects on the body and its processes, including its ability to recover and fight illness.

Despite this, there are measures we may take to combat toxins. The first method is to improve our diet and monitor what we eat in our bodies. The second method involves routine ozone treatments. Ozone has been demonstrated to increase metabolic rate and enhance overall wellness.

Heals Persistent Wounds

Several studies indicate that frequent ozone treatments can play an important role in the treatment of chronic wounds. On the feet of diabetic patients, foot ulcers have been efficiently treated with Ozone Therapy.

In addition, Ozone Medical Therapy has provided decrease and alleviation to individuals with painful mouth ulcers.

Pain Relief

Seventy-five to eighty-five percent of people will experience back discomfort at some point in their lives, according to experts. Back Pain is one of the leading causes of doctor visits. Annually, Americans spend around $50 billion on healthcare. Can Ozone help? You are right, it does. The anti-inflammatory qualities of the ozone treatment, according to health professionals, can provide back pain alleviation.

Corrected Stem Cells

Stem cells continually make new cells across the entire body. Cells that assist the brain, heart, nerves, and numerous other body organs.

Recent data suggest that Ozone Therapy can enhance a cell’s ability to reawaken, resulting in faster and more effective healing of damaged cells.

Cell Oxygenation

When your tissues do not have adequate access to oxygen, they die. People with Anemia are more likely to experience Hypoxia. During an asthma attack, hypoxia can develop in places like the lungs throughout the entire bloodstream.

Ozone Therapy may aid in the selection of hypoxic tumors in conjunction with radiotherapy and chemotherapy due to its capacity to deliver easily available oxygen to the body.

Improved Skin

People have employed ozone therapy to restore their skin health in recent years. As previously said, Ozone Therapy renders oxygen easily accessible to skin cells, which require oxygen.

The enhanced oxygenation provided by Ozone Therapy aids in the recovery and repair of cells. The added antioxidant capabilities can boost collagen and elastin activity, resulting in revitalized and enhanced skin. Who doesn’t desire healthier skin?

The results of research on ozone therapy are inconsistent, however many findings are encouraging. Numerous clinical studies in US and Europe including many ozone therapy Germany studies for illnesses ranging from cardiovascular disease to arthritis are now underway.

According to research from 2018, ozone therapy may benefit knee osteoarthritis by increasing the range of motion and postponing decline.

Based on the research, individuals suffering from rheumatoid arthritis or back discomfort from slipped discs may also be benefited from ozone therapy. However, there is currently insufficient research on these disorders.

Additionally, ozone has been utilized and explored in numerous dental applications.

According to research conducted in 2019, ozonated water may be useful as a root canal disinfection. Additionally, it may help desensitize exposed dentin.

Numerous items claim to give ozone therapy, but none has been demonstrated to be helpful. Ozone therapy must be administered by a trained medical professional or naturopath.

The FDA does not yet have sufficient evidence to justify the application of ozone therapy. There is a need for additional large-scale human trials to demonstrate efficacy and safety.

This treatment complements our immune responses. The process of ozone infusion can take as long as an hour and a half. Before the treatment, make sure that you are adequately hydrated and have had a nutritious meal.

After undergoing therapy, your body may eliminate potentially hazardous infections. Additionally, you may sense that it is simpler to breathe because more cells are delivering oxygen for you.

Studies indicate that this may improve the cardiovascular system and reduce inflammation. The treatment may also be capable of eliminating toxins and promoting better skin.

Airborne oxygen levels are lower now than they were a few thousand years ago. This may make it more difficult for some individuals to take in enough oxygen to maintain optimal physiological function. Others may never observe it.

Additionally, air pollution levels are higher than they have ever been. Your predecessors were exposed to fewer infections and chemicals, poisons, and pollutants than you are now. This may lead you to experience fatigue or health issues.

Ozone therapy can provide your body with the oxygen it needs to function optimally.

If you frequently experience brain fog, chronic exhaustion, or skin rashes, your body may contain too many toxins. There are numerous methods for healthily removing them, ozone therapy being one of them.

Before beginning treatment, the medical team at Ozone injection therapy treatment centers will consult with you. They will inform you of what to anticipate and how ozone therapy may affect you personally. You will need to eat a good meal and drink plenty of water before the test.

Currently, ozone therapy is not commonly utilized, and there are associated dangers. The odd number of atoms in ozone gas renders it unstable. This inconsistency makes it unpredictable.

While using ozone therapy, medical professionals should exercise considerable caution. Ozone must be utilized in the exact quantity and location, and it should not be inhaled.

The FDA issued a warning against inhaling ozone in 2019 since it can cause irritation of the lungs and create fluid buildup, making it difficult to breathe.

There are considerable risks associated with intravenous, high-dose, or prolonged ozone administration. Discuss the potential dangers with your healthcare practitioner and consider them against the possible benefits.

In addition to discussing different treatment options with your physician, you should do so to establish the optimal treatment for your disease.



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